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Drawn portrait of Jemima Condit

Jemima Condit

As Jemima Condit chronicled her ordinary life, she soon became aware of the troublesome tea—and that Revolution was brewing.

An illustrated map showing the approximate location of Jemima in Pleasantdale, New Jersey.

On the Eve of Revolution

Born one of eight children in Pleasantdale, Essex County, New Jersey, in 1754, Jemima Condit was a young woman on the eve of the Revolution.

An image of Jemima Condit's diary.

Her surviving diary begins on April 25, 1772 (when she was just 18 years old) with Jemima's reflections on her cousin's death and the Bible verses chosen for his funeral service.

Her diary also reveals the everyday and often relatable life of a young woman on the eve of Revolution ("This day is Tuesday & I [am] mopeing all Day"). Jemima laments mundane daily chores, comments on local events, and chronicles local births and deaths.

Image: Diary of Jemima Condict (1772-1779) Courtesy- New Jersey Historical Society

Her father, Daniel, a farmer, and a church deacon, religion features prominently in her diary entries, revealing a deep religious conviction, evidenced by her practice of accompanying personal entries with scripture and hymns—a habit that illuminates the central role of faith in her daily life.

An illustrated map showing Jemima's marker by Pleasantdale and a new marker by Boston with a ship next to it.

Supporting the Patriot Cause

Jemima’s knowledge of the brewing Revolution appears in her entry for October 1, 1774: "It seems we have troublesome times a Coming for there is great Disturbance a Broad in the year & they say it is tea that caused it."

Illustrated map of the ship next to the marker at Boston with arrows moving down towards the marker in Pleasantdale with the image of Jemima.

The Boston Tea Party occurred on December 16, 1773, and news of the event appears to have taken 10 months to reach Jemima, over 200 miles away in New Jersey.

An illustrated map showing Jemima's marker by Pleasantdale, the marker in Boston, and a new battle marker shown at Lexington & Concord.

On April 23, 1775 Jemima learned of the first bloodshed between patriots and British soldiers at Lexington and Concord: "as every Day Brings New Troubels So this Day Brings News that yesterday very early in the morning They Began to fight at Boston."

Living Amidst Revolution

While the politics, bloodshed, and consequences of the era swirled around her, those goings-on often faded to the background as more immediate, intimate impacts took her attention. Jemima made no entry, for example, on the Declaration of Independence, but commented on July 23, 1776 of the "bloody flux" that ravaged her town and took the lives of her neighbors.

Jemima's own coming of age often took precedence in her musings, including her disinclination to marry, to no avail. Jemima did marry her first cousin Aaron Harrison, who served in the local militia and himself went off to support the war effort.

Jemima's life came to an early end shortly thereafter on November 14, 1779 after the birth of her first child.

Jemima would not live to see the final chapters of the American Revolution which colored her personal reflections and served as a background to her young womanhood.

Her diary ends much as it began, noting that her pastor "Mr. C" came to preach to her from First Corinthians.
