Sarah Osborn BenjaminSupporting the patriot frontlines during the American Revolution
Thomas CarneyServed throughout the War of Independence with "the spirit of true patriotism."
Jemima ConditChronicling her ordinary life, she soon became aware of the troublesome tea.
Michel Capitaine du ChesnoyA Frenchman who mapped the Revolution
Henry DearbornA veteran of two wars with a career that spanned nearly half a century.
Bernardo de GálvezAn unlikely ally
François Joseph Paul de GrasseThe American Revolution wasn't just about thirteen rebellious colonies; it was a world war.
William FloraWhat does liberty mean to you? What would you do to secure it?
Winsor FryFormer slave fighting as a patriot, and navigating life in a new nation
John GloverWith morale in short supply, John Glover renewed hope in victory.
Christopher GreeneLeader of an integrated regiment that died on the battlefield
Button GwinnettOne of only 8 delegates who were British-born.
George Robert Twelves HewesParticipation in key events of the American Revolution made him memorable.
Faith Trumbull HuntingtonWitness to carnage that was too much to bear
Robert KirkwoodA veteran of over thirty battles in the War of Independence
Lucy Flucker KnoxWhat would you endure to be with the love of your life?
Richard LushingtonPersonified the change of the Revolutionary era.
Stephen TainterA young patriot who carried a drum instead of a gun
Han Yerry TewahangaraghkanForced to choose a side
George WeedonOnce fighting for British interests and land in the colonies, years later became an early and outspoken patriot.
Peggy Shippen ArnoldAn attractive socialite who secretly helped facilitate treason
Thomas BrownA loyalist who endured torture and eventually exile
Conrad LutherOnce paid to quell the Patriot’s rebellion, Conrad found a new life among them.
Mary PerthHer deep faith saw her through enslavement into freedom.
Frederica Charlotte Louise RiedeselLady Riedesel provided a valuable account of the American Revolution.
ThayendanegeaA Mohawk leader aligned with the British
Harry WashingtonA slave of George Washington who found freedom fighting for the loyalists.
James WebsterUpon the death of Lt. Colonel James Webster Lord Cornwallis wrote, "I have lost my scabbard."